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Birthday Boy

Usually birthdays were supposed to be a big celebration. Though, if Kiya was being honest, he had a sense of dread in him. His birthday was tomorrow, but today became awfully busy.
Emil Sinclair VOGEL
Um, Kiya...? Do you want to help out with today's lunch?
Kiya 替紋
Hmm. Sure, why not.
First it was preparing for lunch at the early morning. Simple snacks to keep the sinners going. That was no problem.
Then, it was fuel day, which caused a few problems.
Kiya 替紋
Hey, be careful. The bodies have to be alive, remember?
Yeah, um...about that...
Kiya 替紋
Are they dead? Ah, we should hurry.
He hadn't had the time to think about it, as the afternoon got more hectic after that. Having to push aside the dread was starting to get difficult. He wasn't the only one exerting himself, either.
Ishmael HEARSE
Hey, Kiya. Slow down a bit. We're not going anywhere.
Kiya 替紋
I'll be fine! I'll be fine, don't worry...
He lies through his teeth, but his friend doesn't pry too much. Ishmael knew it would get better. He, on the other hand, wasn't so certain.
The night falls, and once this sinner comes back into his room, he nearly instantly falls into the bed. Sighing heavily, he turns around to face the ceiling.
Kiya 替紋
Nothing really changes when it's your birthday.
Kiya 替紋
I don't think things will turn out very different. It's just another day to fuss over...
Tick-tock, the clock on his wall chimes. A birthday is supposed to be a celebration, but all Kiya wants to do is sleep it all off.
Almost as if he does not want to be reminded of certain memories.
Kiya 替紋
...I want a break.
Tick-tock. The clock strikes twelve. Technically, the day has passed. There's a knock on the door.
Kiya sits up, unsure if he should even answer it. He wants a break, he deserves one. Still, he gets off the bed and opens it.
Heathcliff REVENGE
Ello, ello. Got room for one more hour of brooding?
It's Heathcliff. He's holding a plate on one hand, and a present on the other. Is that cake...?
Kiya 替紋
You HEARD me? Wait, wait. What is that?
Heathcliff REVENGE
What do you think, mate? Let me in, I'll tell ya something real quick.
Heathcliff barges into Kiya's room anyway, not quite caring about permission. He sets the plate down and holds the other by the shoulders.
Kiya 替紋
H-Huh? Is that a sandwich?
Heathcliff REVENGE
Yeah, not important. Don't act like you weren't tired from today. We probably should've cut you some slack, so...I asked clockface to give you the time for anything BUT work.
Kiya 替紋
You...You what?! But I still have to-
Heathcliff REVENGE
No, you do not have to. No buts. If it's a party you're worried about, Ish's got that covered now. You want something small, no?
Heathcliff REVENGE
You and I don't have to even leave this room if that's what you're wishing. Here, open this.
This present was fairly small, but Kiya carefully opens it...
Heathcliff REVENGE
...Yeah, sorry. Didn't have much on me so I could only get you a keychain.
Kiya 替紋
This is a trout.
Heathcliff REVENGE
Is it now? Sure fits you, I think.
Even if it was not a grand gift, the efforts Heathcliff did to make sure he could relax even for a short time—
Kiya 替紋
—Causes tears to stream down the young sinner's cheeks.
Heathcliff REVENGE
Wh-Hey? You alright?! What's wrong?
Wordlessly, Kiya wraps his arms around Heathcliff. Though his sobs were silent, the other could at least tell he was very, very happy.
Because it showed that he was not alone. He won't be alone for a long time.
Heathcliff REVENGE
Oh, I see. I'm not going anywhere, don't worry.
Kiya 替紋
Can we...stay like this for a while?
Heathcliff REVENGE
It's your birthday! Cry if you want to.
Heathcliff REVENGE
Let's make sure it's a good one, for your sake.
Those joyful tears were short, but they were so full of love. This beginning alone was more than he ever expected.
Regardless of how the rest of his days will go, he'll cherish such acts of kindness forever.